First AAN Welcoming for Master students

One of the main concerns of the AAN is to create bridges between Alumni and current master students and to make available to the latter the experience of the former.

On the 7th August 2020, this guiding idea of the organisation was put into practise through the First AAN Welcoming for Master students, which gathered several ALGANT students and some Alumni.

The students could enjoy a friendly afternoon on Zoom to get to know each other, discuss with the Alumni and prepare at best their arrival in the ALGANT community or their transition from the first to the second year. They could find answers both to general questions like “How does the visa system work?” or “When should I find a thesis advisor?”, and to location-specific ones such as “How are the courses organised in my new ALGANT University?” or “How much of the local language should I know?”, which were addressed to expert Alumni in separate breakout sessions.

The excitement and curiosity of the attendance was so high that the two hours originally scheduled for the meeting proved not to be enough to answer everything!

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