Author Archives: Jared Asuncion

2nd Algant Alumni Network Symposium (SYMPAAN)

Jared Asuncion/ April 27, 2023/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

The official page for SYMPAAN can now be found at this link: SYMPAAN The second edition of the Algant Alumni Network Symposium (SYMPAAN) will take place from the 3rd to the 7th of October 2023, at St Jacut de La Mer, in Bretagne, France – the talks, the meals and the overnight stay. About the Event The primary objective

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1st Annual AAN Welcoming for the ALGANT Master Students

Jared Asuncion/ July 17, 2020/ Obsolete/ 0 comments

On 7 Aug 2020, we will hold our 1st Annual AAN Welcoming for the ALGANT Master Students (1AAANWftAMS for short… until we figure out a cooler acronym). It will be online since Zoom sessions are trendy these days. And they’re free. You are very much welcome to join as a participant, but what we need is help from you in

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